Monday, September 30, 2013

Film Series: Lost Rivers October 2nd, Jacob Burns Film Center (Pleasantville)

Jacob Burns Film Center presents Focus on Nature Film Series: Lost Rivers

Once upon a time, rivers flowed in almost every city, but we developed their banks and polluted their waters, making them conduits for disease. The only solution was to hide them underground. Lost Rivers takes us around the globe to explore these hidden pieces of urban nature and meet the visionaries who are bringing them back to light. Featuring a stunning “daylighting” success story for the Saw Mill River in Yonkers! • Caroline Bâche. 2012. 72 m. NR. Canada. Icarus Films.

Q&A Saw Mill River project facilitators Ann-Marie Mitroff (Groundwork Hudson Valley River Program Director) and Jim Pinto (former Yonkers Director of Waterfront Development), and Scenic Hudson President Ned Sullivan.

Caroline Bâche. 2012. 72 m. NR. Canada. Icarus Films.

Official Website / Trailer

Wed. Oct 2nd 7:15 pm

Tickets: $7 (members), $12 (nonmembers)

Wednesday, October 2nd
Jacob Burns Film Center
364 Manville Road, Pleasantville, NY

For more info visit the Jacob Burns Film Center, Focus on Nature webpage

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