Saturday, February 23, 2013

Film Screening: Dear Governor Cuomo, Friday, May 3, South Salem

Environmental Film Series: “Dear Governor Cuomo”

Film and Discussion!


The filmmaker, Jon Bowermaster, will speak after the film! He is a noted oceans expert, award-winning journalist, author, filmmaker, adventurer and six-time grantee of the National Geographic Expeditions Council.

Local political representatives (present and former) who have worked to oppose fracking: Peter Harckham, Bob Castelli and David Buchwald will be on hand to answer questions about how to get effectively proactive in this issue.

The Lewisboro Library's series of environmental-themed films with discussions continues. "Dear Governor Cuomo" documents the response to the news that Governor Andrew Cuomo might lift the four-year moratorium against hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in New York state.

A concert/protest was organized on his doorstep in the state capitol of Albany, an event that brought together scientists, musicians, activists and actors in a scripted night onstage inviting the governor to join the anti-fracking majority in his home state. The film is equal parts message and music.

Friday, May 3rd
Lewisboro Library: 15 Main Street South Salem, NY 10590

There is a suggested donation of $5 per person, to fund viewing license fees.
Videos will be available for purchase by the film maker.
Registration is requiredRSVP the Lewisboro Library at 914-763-3857

Sponsored by:
the Lewisboro Sustainability Committee and the Lewisboro Library 

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