Sunday, January 27, 2013

CELF Student Ambassador Training Seminar: Mon, Feb 11, Tarrytown

CELF Student Ambassadors receive training in sustainability issues, gain hands-on experience and develop interpersonal skills while making a difference in their own community and communities around the globe. Ambassadors build relationships within their schools and with students from other high schools while representing CELF at local, regional and national events.

In addition to gaining the opportunity to present at numerous local events this spring, Student Ambassadors are eligible to represent CELF at two national conferences over Earth Day weekend.

Special Guest Speaker: Elizabeth Wilhelm, Vestergaard Frandsen: "Designs to Save the World"
Designing solutions to protect the health of vulnerable people will take a lot of creative ideas, from the Hippo Roller to self-adjustable eye glasses, to self-warming blankets for premature babies. Ideas and concepts like app's for mobile phones to track HIV+ patients so that they can be reminded to take their medication plus visit a support group and to training local women to become peer educators to keep pregnant women healthy have saved countless lives all over the world. Learn first-hand what happens when aid and innovation meet, and what happens when things go wrong, and how to learn from failures to design smarter and do more good.

February 11, 2013
Hackley School, 293 Benedict Avenue, Tarrytown, NY 10591

For more information please see the CELF Student Ambassador Training Seminar Flyer

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