Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lewisboro Earth Day Events

Lewisboro Earth Day Events

  • If you haven't already registered, head over to Meetup.com http://www.meetup.com/Katonah-Green-and-Beyond/events/57329672/ and sign up for the Lewisboro Sustainability Committee's Earth Day Community Gathering at Cyrus Russell House. This is a great chance to kindle your eco-loving soul with friends, meet more like-minded people in the community, share good food, play and hear some music. Totally family-friendly, participatory, free and heart-warming. 
  • Friday night Earth-Day concert by EarthTones, South Salem Presbyterian Church, April 20th
  • Sunday, April 22, 1pm: Leon Levy Preserve Earth Day Celebration, Leon Levy Preserve  http://www.westchesterlandtrust.org/  Noted local naturalist Jim Nordgren will lead participants alongside vernal pools to see and hear breeding frogs and other amphibians, past thickets and through woodlands to listen and look for migrating birds, and over ledges and rock outcrops that show the unique geology of Westchester County.

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