Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Transition Westchester, Monday April 23, Pleasantville

2nd Quarter General Meeting of Transition Westchester
What you probably won't hear about at Earth Day events - Why are gasoline prices high and what you can do because of it.  Click here to learn more

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Clearwater Festival, June 16/17, Croton-On-Hudson

Clearwater's Great Hudson River Revival will feature a number of superb storytellers and family-oriented entertainers as well as juried crafts, the Green Living Expo, the Working Waterfront with small boat exhibits and rides, environmental education displays and exhibits, and the Circle of Song where audience participation is the focus. The festival is wheelchair accessible and most stage programming is staffed with American Sign Language Interpreters.  See Clearwater's website for more details
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The Sixties Show, Saturday May 5, Waccabuc

Celebrate that special place and time that was the 60’s as it comes to life again with The Sixties Show, the 1960’s foremost tribute band! Revisit, or encounter for the first time, the feeling of that unforgettable era. Special seats for those who wear 60’s attire!  Click here to learn more and to register

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Earth Day Lobby Day, Apr 25, Albany

Earth Day Lobby Day 2012

The 22nd Annual Earth Day Lobby Day in Albany will be held on Wednesday, April 25th. Hundreds of citizens from every corner of New York State will meet with their state lawmakers and show their support for the environment.  Click here for more details and to register

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Lewisboro Earth Day Events

Lewisboro Earth Day Events

  • If you haven't already registered, head over to Meetup.com http://www.meetup.com/Katonah-Green-and-Beyond/events/57329672/ and sign up for the Lewisboro Sustainability Committee's Earth Day Community Gathering at Cyrus Russell House. This is a great chance to kindle your eco-loving soul with friends, meet more like-minded people in the community, share good food, play and hear some music. Totally family-friendly, participatory, free and heart-warming. 
  • Friday night Earth-Day concert by EarthTones, South Salem Presbyterian Church, April 20th
  • Sunday, April 22, 1pm: Leon Levy Preserve Earth Day Celebration, Leon Levy Preserve  http://www.westchesterlandtrust.org/  Noted local naturalist Jim Nordgren will lead participants alongside vernal pools to see and hear breeding frogs and other amphibians, past thickets and through woodlands to listen and look for migrating birds, and over ledges and rock outcrops that show the unique geology of Westchester County.

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Slow Money Earth Day Event, Sunday Apr 22, Stone Barns

Slow Money NYC and Stone Barns Center for
Food and Agriculture present
Earth Day Entrepreneur Showcase: Slow Money and Local Investment Opportunities

With Woody Tasch, Author of Inquiries into the Nature of Slow Money, & Eliot Coleman, Author & Farmer, Four Season Farm
April 22, 2012 (Earth Day!) 3-5 pm
The Loft at Stone Barns

Click here to view website

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