We're starting a GreenDrinks for Northern Westchester! Apologies for the late notice, I've been away. More on that in a minute.
FIRST: come out and join Seth Leitman and GreenDrinks Westchester, and KatonahGreen on Wednesday July 29th at the
Flying Pig on Lexington
Restaurant in
Mt Kisco, NY. Get to know people who are working to build a greener future for Northern Westchester!
Free hors douvers & great
organic wines, vodka and great scene! The Flying Pig on
Lexington is
Northern Westchester' s standard bearer for local, natural, farm-to-table foods. With a menu that showcases farm-fresh foods from the
Hudson Valley and beyond, we capture the vibrancy of seasonal flavors.
SECOND: If you still haven't seen Food, Inc- here's your chance:
Food, Inc.
od, Inc., filmmaker Robert Kenner talks to best-selling authors Eric Schlosser (
Fast Food Nation) and Michael Pollan (
Omnivore's Dilemma) to lift the veil on our nation's food industry—a nexus of mechanized farms, engineered food, and unhealthy practices that's been effectively hidden from American consumers by slick public relations and slack government regulation. This eye-opening documentary explains how unfettered corporations exploited laws and subsidies to create wholesale monopolies, and explores how modern developments in food production pose grave risks to our health and environment.
Robert Kenner. 2008. 94 m. NR. US. Magnolia Pictures.
Official Website / Trailer | Entertainment Weekly review
Tue, July 28 9:15
Sat, August 1 12:05
Sun, August 2 12:00

reason I've been away is that my grandmother Marion passed away on July 20th. I am so very lucky to have spent her last afternoon with her looking at flowers and singing and left her having her last cup of green tea. She passed in her sleep that evening. Her name is Marion von Geldern, and to her I owe my love of gardening, organic food, caring about the welfare of animals and my love of cooking. Marion was one of the most loving, non-judgemental, optimistic and caring people I've ever met. This is a bit personal, but here is short video that I was able to make on that last afternoon. If I had known she would pass on that evening, I would have stayed with her for her last 2 hours, but am deeply grateful that I had what I had. Marion, I'll be loving you, always.
Here's the link.
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