Environmental Film Series: “Dear Governor Cuomo”
Film and Discussion!
Friday, May 3rd
Lewisboro Library: 15 Main Street South Salem, NY 10590
The filmmaker, Jon Bowermaster, will speak after the film! He is a noted oceans expert, award-winning journalist, author, filmmaker, adventurer and six-time grantee of the National Geographic Expeditions Council.
Local political representatives (present and former) who have worked to oppose fracking: Peter Harckham, Bob Castelli and David Buchwald will be on hand to answer questions about how to get effectively proactive in this issue.
The Lewisboro Library's series of environmental-themed films with discussions continues. "Dear Governor Cuomo" documents the response to the news that Governor Andrew Cuomo might lift the four-year moratorium against hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in New York state.
A concert/protest was organized on his doorstep in the state capitol of Albany, an event that brought together scientists, musicians, activists and actors in a scripted night onstage inviting the governor to join the anti-fracking majority in his home state. The film is equal parts message and music.
Friday, May 3rd
Lewisboro Library: 15 Main Street South Salem, NY 10590
There is a suggested donation of $5 per person, to fund viewing license fees.
Videos will be available for purchase by the film maker.
Videos will be available for purchase by the film maker.
Registration is required, RSVP the Lewisboro Library at 914-763-3857
Sponsored by:
the Lewisboro Sustainability Committee and the Lewisboro Library
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