Monday, June 13, 2011

Fracking and Our Water: A Community Conversation, Thursday, June 16, Katonah

Overspray of drilling slurry at hydro-fracking drill site. Waste pit of drilling mud (byproduct from mining operations including rock debris, drill bit lubricants, and possibly residual radioactive material.) copyright @J Henry Fair
 Forum: “Fracking and Our Water: A Community Conversation”
Katonah Methodist Church, 7 pm.
44 Edgemont Road, Katonah, NY

An education forum and dialogue on the issues surrounding natural gas drilling process called hydraulic fracturing or 'hydro-fracking.' The night is co-sponsored by the Religious Task Force of the Bedford 2020 Coalition, hosted by the Katonah Methodist Churche and will be moderated by Danny Martin.

"I'm hoping this is the beginning of an increasingly powerful grassroots interfaith effort for climate change, fracking and the planet." - Paul Stark, Climate Savers and the Bedford 2020 Religious Task Force
Speakers include

  • Herb Oringel (Northern Westchester Energy Action Consortium)
  • Bedford 2020 Coalition
  • Hon. Peter Harckham (Westchester County Board of Legislators)
  • Susan Leifer (Watershed Committee for the State Sierra Club)
  • John Conrad (Independent Oil & Gas Association of New York)J Henry Fair (
Musical Guests
  • Marc Black and his rousing anthem, "No Fracking Way"
  • Antioch Baptist Church
Informational Participants

  • Katonah Green
  • Northern Westchester Energy Action Consortium
  • Riverkeeper
  • Sierra Club
  • Westchester County Board of Legislators

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