Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Free Event: Local Guys Cook Local Food Series, Saturday, Dec 19, 10-1, South Salem

Saturday, December 19th: LOCAL GUYS COOK LOCAL FOOD: 10-12:30 Cooking demo at Gossett's Indoor Farmer's Market.  

This week's real guys cooking are John Imbiano and Richard Quigley, landscape architects at IQ Landscape Design, in Katonah. They'll be cooking John's secret pork chop recipe and Richard's famous venison! The Local Foods-Local Chefs series and the Local Guys Cook Local Foods series was created in order to inspire home cooking, show people how to use foods they may be unfamiliar with, foster a sense of connection with farmers and producers, and raise awareness of the complexity of flavors and nutrient density of sustainably raised produce and meats.  

Gossett's Farm Market is located at 1202 Rte 35, South Salem, NY 10590.  

Want to sign up to cook? Call Heather at 914.763.0474 to find out how.

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Winter Solstice Party at Ward Pound Ridge, Potluck and Bonfire, Saturday, Dec 20th, 6pm

Meetup: Winter Solstice Party at Ward Pound Ridge, Potluck and Bonfire!

Ward Pound Ridge Reservation  Sunday, Dec 20th, 6pm-8pm (or so)

RSVP on the Katonah Green Meetup site!

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Monday, December 14, 2009

GreenDrinks Westchester: Holiday Gathering, Tuesday, Dec 22nd, 6pm

GreenDrinks Westchester Holiday Gathering,

Tuesday, Dec 22nd, 6 until ? Mark your calendars! 

Location: The Flying Pig on Lexington, Bar area, 251 Lexington Avenue
Mt. Kisco, NY 10549

Speakers: Seth Leitman: How do we as Green Leaders Mainstream Green?  Second speaker TBA.

Cover Charge: $5

See you there!

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John Cronin: Brains vs. Brawn: the Future of Water, 7pm, Tarrytown

John Cronin's talk, "Brains vs. Brawn: The Future of Water," is set for 7 this evening at the Warner Library in Tarrytown.

John is one of the truly important figures in contemporary environmentalism, having been engaged in virtually every issue affecting the Hudson River and the Hudson Valley since the early 1980s.

He is now the director and chief executive officer of the Beacon Institute for Rivers and Estuaries and is a senior fellow for environmental affairs at Pace University's Academy for Applied Environmental Studies.

If you decide to join us, consider making a $15 donation (the money will go towards the WLT's land preservation work).

To reserve a space, reply to this email, or email Grace.

John's talk is part of our series, Food, Land, Sustainability: Five cutting edge lectures about the environment, the way we live today, and the way we'll need to live in the future.

You can read about the others in the Latest News column of Westchester Land Trust website.
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Free Event: Real Simple Whole Foods Cooking with Max Barry, Saturday, Dec 12, South Salem

Local Guys Cook Local Foods! Cooking demo at Gossett's Indoor Farmer's Market, Saturday, December 12th from 10-12:30.

This week's real guy cooking is Max Barry, a personal fitness trainer from Danbury. He's going to cook us  grilled sweet potatoes, grass fed beef and sauteed kale.  

Max says "I like to keep it simple, clean and local. Just a little salt, pepper and olive oil, and good quality basics and it's gonna be good. I've actually been developing a Spice Rub blend, that I came up with because I was eating too much salt. So in the process of finding one I liked, I got creative. I've ended up with a blend that just isn't available in a store, so you can try it out this weekend."

You can check out Max's fitness site at or follow him on Twitter @Nu_Fit

An essential part of the demo series is YOU! We want your questions on food, health, and cooking. Our goal is that you walk away inspired to cook with real foods and feel a connection to the producers. And of course we want you to stick around for samples of the foods created by our cooks!

Want to sign up to cook? Call Heather at 914.763.0474 to find out how.

The Local Foods-Local Chefs series and the Local Guys Cook Local Foods series was created by Heather Flournoy of KatonahGreen in order to inspire home cooking, show people how to use foods they may be unfamiliar with, foster a sense of connection with farmers and producers, and raise awareness of the complexity of flavors and nutrient density of sustainably raised produce and meats.

Gossett's Farm Market is located at 1202 Rte 35, South Salem, NY 10590
The market features organically grown veggies, grassfed meats, free-range chicken eggs, Wave Hill Breads, seafood, handcrafts and artisanal prepared foods.
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Monday, December 7, 2009

Promote Your Business or Message: Be the Media! Sunday, Dec 13th, Katonah

We're really excited to welcome back David Mathison, Author of Be The Media as he discusses the power of social networking and its impact on business and journalism. If you missed him last time at Perks, make sure you come hear him this time at the library. I promise you will be inspired, motivated and get a grasp of the power you are beginning to utilize even as you read this message! (the power of social media such as blogs, Twitter, Facebook and

This is for small business owners, entrepreneurs, artists, writers, musicians, film makers, environmental and social activists who want to get more customers, generate more revenues, and share skills and experience and build a following.

David is the author of Be the Media. To get the most out of this meetup/talk, get the book now so you can really utilize your live time with him. Ask people who were at the last talk, this book is worth the investment!

RSVP here. Free!

Date/Time: Sunday, December 13th, 3pm.

26 Bedford Rd Katonah, NY 10536 323 1233

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